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Five Sisters Farm yarn shop!


We are excited to announce our new little on-site yarn/wool shop and workspace! Opening day will be July 4 from 9:30 to 2:30. Stop in before or after the amazing Plainfield Village parade, we are within walking distance or a very short drive just north of the village, 986 Route 12A. There will be cute sheepies waiting to greet you, and an amazing assortment of our own Shetland wool yarn, roving, knitting and felting, as well as gift items for everyone on your list. It's never too early to shop for Christmas...

We will eventually have set hours on weekends, but any time the "Open" flag is out, please do stop in and say hi, squish some yarn, and pet some sheep. We can open by appointment, just reach out via email (

Interested in learning beginner knitting or felting? Other fiber arts classes? Let us know! Soon we will be offering workshops in our adorable little space, within view of the pasture and grazing sheep who are growing this amazing wool.



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